Pozeljno bi bilo da ribu nabavite direktno od nekog ribara,ja sam svoj narucila da mi upecaju u Dunavu...znaci divlji ,preukusan,i nimalo mastan
Som oko 2 kg
maslinovo ulje
so,biber,beli luk,persun
malo putera 70 gr
malo brasna
Ociscenoj ribi napraviti na gornjoj strani dublje zareze,usoliti ,pobiberiti,utrljati malo izgnjecenog belog luka,limun iscediti svuda i politi maslinovim uljem...bilo bi dobro da u tome odstoji bar sat vremena.
Stavite u djuvec koji ste nauljili sa maslinovim uljem,ubacite u rernu na 180 C ,pecite pola sata prekriveno folijom i ondaizvadite i prelijte ribu sa istopljenim maslacem,odgore pospite 1-2 kasike brasna.(ja sam stavila integralno ),vratite pod foliju i u pecnicu na jos 1 sat pecenja.Kad vam istekne vreme ,izvadite iz pecnice i prelijte mileramom,pospite seckanim persunom i vretite u rernu na jos jedno 20 min.Poenta je da se zapece.
1 catfish 2 kg
4 ounces butter
4 ounces olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
2 tablespoon flour
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
4 ounces butter
4 ounces olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
2 tablespoon flour
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Paint over fish with salt and pepper , lemon juice,Garlic,olive oil.Place fish in an oval casserole dish .Bake the fish covered with Al. foil in a 180 C degree oven for 30 min.Add Remove from heat.Melt butter 4 ounces in a small sauce pan . Spoone butter over the fish . Now sprinkle the flour over the fish . Bake the fish in a 180 C degree oven for 60 minutes , covered with Al. folie. Add Remove from heat,sprinkle Cream and parsley over the fish and back in the oven for 20 minutes or until the fish is done.